
Key Conservatives Endorse Taylor in Mayor's Race


Mayor Taylor is touting endorsements from key conservatives as she heads into the home stretch toward Saturday's runoff with Councilman Ron Nirenberg, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

North side Republicans State Rep. Lyle Larson and Commissioner Kevin Wolff today endorsed the mayor, as she and her husband cast early ballots on the city's east side.

They join north side conservatives Joe Krier and Mike Gallagher in backing Taylor.

Taylor also received the endorsements of several Democrats, including Councilman Ray Lopez and former Commissioner Tommy Adkisson.

Taylor won conservative kudos last week when she vocally dissented with a City Council majority in the issue of whether to sue the state over the new law banning 'Sanctuary Cities.'

Taylor has been fighting hard for conservative votes in the runoff, with supporters even creating a web site 'LiberalRon.com' which claims that if elected, Niernberg would 'stop the record job growth, cut off our water to halt economic development and turn businesses away, and 'bring the nanny state to San Antonio.'

Taylor was largely elected in 2015 through the votes of evangelical and movement conservatives who opposed her then opponent, former State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte.

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